Radar Agent HTTP/HTTPS Proxy Setup

The following information is valid for a Linux agent. For a Windows agent, set the environmental variables separately before you run the radar executable.

When using the Radar agent behind a proxy, you will need to use "http_proxy=", or "HTTPS_PROXY=" (indicating the proxy and port), before executing the "runscope-radar" command. Here's an example of that command:

https_proxy=http://username:password@api.proxy.com:8080 ./runscope-radar

Our code will look for your proxy environment variables as:

  • https_proxy or HTTPS_PROXY
  • http_proxy or HTTP_PROXY

You may also need to add ignore-env-proxy to your config file (or --ignore-env-proxy from the command line) to ignore the environment proxy variables for test calls, but not for external calls to runscope.com to push results back to us.

If you'd like the agent to bypass your server's proxy, you can use the NO_PROXY environment variable and add your API's host IP or domains to it. For example:

NO_PROXY=api.example.com,yourapihere.com HTTP_PROXY=proxy.example.com ./runscope-radar

That would make the agent use proxy.example.com for all requests, except for the api.example.com and yourapihere.com domains.