Radar Agent SSO Login Error

In case your team has Single Sign-on (SSO) enabled, your login credentials will not work on the command-line for the Radar agent.

Follow these steps to manually create a configuration file that you can use to run the agent:

  • Create a Personal Access Token:
    1. From your BlazeMeter API Monitoring account, click on the Profile & Account Settings icon on top right.
    2. On the left-hand tab, select Applications.
    3. If you don't already have an Application, click the Create Application button and fill in the details to create your new application. The "Website URL" and "Callback URL" fields can be filled in with placeholder values such as: http://www.example.com. Save your changes.
    4. Open your Application and scroll to the bottom of the page until you reach the "Personal Access Token" section.
    5. Copy the Access Token value. You will be pasting this into your On-Premise Agent "radar.conf" config file in a later step.
  • Create the Agent configuration file:
    1. Create a new text file named "radar.conf" in the same directory where you saved the On-Premise Agent.
    2. Copy the following contents into your "radar.conf" file (make sure that you don't have any blank lines or LF/CR characters).
    3. Replace the "your_team_id" value. You can find your team-id by viewing the details for your team from the Teams & Usage page. The team-id is available in the URL of your browser, for instance: https://www.runscope.com/teams/d8cf6f8d-4dd6-4437-8c64-220cd3c3b662
    4. Replace the "your_auth_token" value in the "radar.conf" file with the Access Token value that you copied in the previous steps.
    5. (Optional) You can also change the agent "name". That is the name that will appear for your agent in the "Locations" drop-down menu. Save your changes when you're done.
    6. Run the On-premise Agent specifying the newly created "radar.conf" config file. For example, here is the command for Windows: runscope-radar.exe -f radar.conf