Flowdock Integration

Flowdock was a group chat and IM built for teams.

Configure Flowdock Integration

Follow these steps:

  1. In Flowdock, get an API push token for your preferred flow from Flowdock.
  2. In your BlazeMeter API Monitoring account, select Connected Services.
  3. Select Connect Flowdock.
  4. On the Settings screen, enter the Flowdock push token copied above.
  5. Enter a Flow Name.
  6. Select whether to send the notification to your group inbox or chat.
  7. Select whether or not to send a message for all test runs, all failed test runs, or after a certain number of consecutive failures for a specific location. Additionally, you may choose to post messages when a test returns to a successful state.
  8. Click Connect Account to complete the integration.

Having trouble configuring Flowdock? Contact Flowdock support.